Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pursuing God

It's just been floating around in my mind for days that the only pursuit in life that makes sense is the pursuit of God. I've known it all along but I get sidetracked with life and the first thing I know I'm off chasing rabbits somewhere around the path to God but not ON the path to God. Life does that. We go off on searches for meaning, for purpose, for healing, for renewal, for ourselves... We have so many questions that must be answered (right now, thank you very much) and even if we're humbly asking God to help us find the answers what he really wants to help us find is himself.

I think it's interesting that one of our "inalienable rights" as Americans is the "pursuit of happiness." What a futile pursuit! Happiness is as illusive and changeable as the wind. What made me happy yesterday is not what makes me happy today and what makes me happy today will more than likely not make me happy tomorrow. How can I keep up with the pursuit of happiness? It's exhausting to think about it.

Fortunately I have a God who is patient with me and available to me and he knows that the pursuit of happiness will not make me happy. Only pursuing God and finding him will make me happy. And even then "happy" doesn't always work out. My God is more interested in my holiness than in my happiness.

So here is the question I'm asking, "If the only enduring relationship I have is with God (the creator and sustainer of the universe) is that enough? And if the only gift he ever gives me is his one and only, dearly loved, brutally murdered for my sake son, is that gift enough?"

What on earth are we thinking? How could that not be enough?

Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile." Jeremiah 29:12-14

It's not about finding myself. It's about finding him. It's just about him. Period.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Orange Juice: A Faith Parable

So I'm laying in bed pondering the great things of the universe and feeling a little thirsty.
"Honey, is there any orange juice in the fridge?"
"I didn't see any and I was just wondering.."
"There is orange juice in the fridge. I put it there myself. I even had a glass earlier."
"Well, I'm not sure. I didn't see it."
"Well, it's there. Trust me."

I turned over and contmplated the whole idea of orange juice. I really wanted there to be orange juice in the fridge but I hadn't seen it so I just couldn't believe that there was actually orange juice in the fridge so I rolled over and tried to go to sleep. I decided that since I hadn't seen the orange juice it wasn't there and I could get along without it. In fact, I would probably be better off without it. And who needs it anyway!

I got up the next morning and got ready for work, ignoring the fridge. Ignoring the very idea of orange juice. Cold, refreshing orange juice. I made it through the day and to tell you the truth, once I got busy I didn't even think about orange juice again. Till I got home. The family was all there and they were hovered around the fridge - drinking orange juice.

"Where did you get that?" I demanded.
"It was in the fridge, just where I told you it was. You didn't get any this morning?"
"No. I didn't see it there yesterday and I just didn't believe it was there."
"Well, it was there."
"Great! Can I have some?"
"Too late. We just drank the last of it. But I'll get some more when I go to the store."

So I'm laying in bed pondering the great things of the universe and feeling a little thirsty.
"Honey, is there any orange juice in the fridge?"
"I didn't see any and I was just wondering.."
"There is orange juice in the fridge. I put it there myself. I even had a glass earlier."
"Well, I'm not sure. I didn't see it."
"Well, it's there. Trust me."

I turned over and contemplated the whole idea of orange juice. I really wanted there to be orange juice in the fridge but I hadn't seen it and so I just couldn't believe that there was actually orange juice in the fridge. So I rolled over and tried to go to sleep. And then I got to thinking. I had been told there was orange juice by someone I trusted. He had actually had some of it. I still had serious doubts because I hadn't actually seen it but I made a decision to believe that the orange juice was there. It wasn't easy and I wrestled with my doubts off and on all night and in the morning I was tempted to ignore the fridge and the chance of being disappointed. I mean, what if I went to the trouble of opening the fridge and there was no orange juice? What then? I would feel like a fool. But then I thought about how good a glass of orange juice would be and I was so thirsty. And maybe, just maybe the orange juice would be there. So I took a deep breath and opened the fridge. Ahh...Orange Juice!

So I'm laying in bed pondering the great things of the universe and feeling a little thirsty.
"Honey, is there any orange juice in the fridge?"
"I didn't see any and I was just wondering.."
"There is orange juice in the fridge. I put it there myself. I even had a glass earlier."
"Well, I'm not sure. I didn't see it."
"Well, it's there. Trust me."

I turned over and contemplated the whole idea of orange juice. I really wanted there to be orange juice in the fridge and even though I hadn't seen it I knew it would be there. I looked forward to drinking a nice cold glass of orange juice in the morning. In fact, I got so excited about it I hopped out of bed and ran to the kitchen. I know what you're thinking. You think I was just checking to see if it was really there. NOT TRUE. I knew it was there. I just couldn't wait. After all, orange juice is my life.

And faith is a decision.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Exodus 17:11

How many times has this happened to you? You are reading a story that you've read dozens of times in your life, maybe even taught it once or twice - and a word or a phrase jumps out at you that speaks to an ache in your heart or a circumstance you're struggling with. This happened to me tonight in Ladies Bible class. We've been studying the names of God and it has been so good. The name we were learning about tonight was YHVH Nissi. The Lord Is My Banner. The text for this is Exodus 17. Joshua and the Israelites are doing battle with the Amalekites. Moses called Joshua to him the night before and said to him, "Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands." So Joshua did what Moses told him to. And Moses, Aaron and Hur climbed to the top of the hill. Moses was acting as the banner of the Lord on top of that hill. As long as he was able to hold his hands up the army of God won. When he lowered them, they lost ground.

How long can you hold your hands up? After a while your shoulders start to ache and then your hands get numb. Eventually your arms start to tremble and it becomes impossible to hold them up any longer. Moses held the staff of God in his hands and kept them raised for the army to see. As long as they knew he was there and they could see the staff of God they were conquerers. There's a lesson right there, isn't there? But that's not where I'm going. What happened when his arms got tired and he couldn't hold them up any more? This is what it says, "When Moses' hands grew tired they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up--one on one side, one on the other--so that his hands remained steady till sunset." Aaron and Hur sat Moses down on a rock and they held his hands up. It didn't matter how the staff was made visible - just that it WAS made visible.

Ministry is tough. It's discouraging and frustrating and many times it's painful. You have to figure out how to develop thick skin and still keep a tender heart. You have to be like the burning bush - on fire all the time without burning up (or out).

I know that God has called us to this life of ministry and has put us in this place at this time for His own reasons. Our greatest desire is to keep his staff held out for His army to see and to take courage from. But lately I've felt a kind of empty sadness - a need or a longing for something I couldn't identify. I've tried to pray about it but it's been strange to not be able to tell Him exactly what I was feeling. (I'm so happy He knew anyway!) Tonight through a beautiful serendipity He showed me what to pray for. This story that I've known and taught and loved - and overlooked. God is my banner. As long as I keep my eyes on Him I'm winning. That is the main truth of this story. But here is my heart: Aaron and Hur. Aaron and Hur. How desperately all of us in ministry need them! And what a profound blessing when they come to us, stand by our side, let us sit down for a while and hold up our hands while we wait for the sun to set.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Yes Man

I grabbed my bible as I headed out the door Saturday morning in case God gave me a thought to share with my ladies and I needed a Scripure to back us up. I was frustrated. It was snowing like crazy and in 2 hours we were supposed to be having a salad luncheon for the ladies of our church - and hopefully lots of their friends. A salad luncheon. In a blizzard. Right. So I was fussing at God, telling Him what He needed to do so we could have a good turnout. And, as usually happens, I had to have a conversation with myself. So as I left the dollar store with my package of paper doilies ($1.07 with tax) to put under the center pieces I hadn't arranged yet and headed to Safeway to pick up a couple packages of rolls, this is the converation I had with me:

"OK, Linda, the God you serve is in charge of the weather. And He is also in charge of what happens today at your salad luncheon. Whoever shows up is exactly who is supposed to be there. Your job is just to say "yes" to whatever He is doing."

About that time I turned the corner by the video store and in the window facing me was a poster for a movie. Big as you please, there for anyone to see,

Yes Man. That is what I want to be. Not someone constantly challenging God because He isn't doing the things I would do in the way I would to them - but someone with sense enough to just say, "Yes."
Even when it hurts.
Even when it doesn't make sense.
Even when it feels like death.

"Whatever God has promised gets stamped with the Yes of Jesus. In him, this is what we preach and pray, the great Amen, God's Yes and our Yes together, gloriously evident. God affirms us, making us a sure thing in Christ, putting his Yes within us. By his Spirit he has stamped us with his eternal pledge—a sure beginning of what he is destined to complete."
(2 Corinthians 1:20-22, The Message)

It wasn't until I got out of the car (still snowing like crazy) and made two trips - did I mention it was snowing like crazy - to unload all my stuff that I realized I hadn't gone to Safeway for the rolls. So I got back in the car (still snowing like crazy) and headed to the store. On the return trip I realized that if I had not "forgotten" to go to Safeway earlier I would have not turned the corner by the video store, would not have seen the movie poster and would not have found the name for who I want to be: God's Yes Man.

I love it when He shows up.